Q: How do I apply for services?

A: It’ always best to speak to either the Executive Director or one of our Program Directors as there are different application procedures for different programs. Call us at 301-791-5421.

Q: How long does it take after I apply to receive services for them to begin?

A: Some services can begin almost immediately while others can take weeks. Call us at 301-791-5421 for details.

Q: Are there any out of pocket expenses to the individual or families?

A: There are no out of pocket expenses to families of an individual that has been approved for services.

Your Questions are important2

All of your Questions

are important to us

Q: Once in your program, do I have the ability to change programs or agencies?

A: All admissions are voluntary, and an individual has the option to change programs within our Agency or seek services at another agency at any time.

Q: Once in your program, what is the level of family involvement?

A: We encourage families to remain involved whenever possible. HDC staff, the individual, and their family are all partners.

“Everyone has a right to dream, to have a goal. We’re here to help them develop it.”

UPDATE - HDC Day and Employment Services as well as Offices will be CLOSED, Wednesday 2/12/2025.